Don't DozZe Productions originally started as goody promos, which was developed from the name slim goody promotions, goody promos was developed during a time where promoting nightclubs was on the rise.  Slim, often being in the party scene, meeting people and being around music decided to take a friend up on an offer and sub promote venues.  Having an obsession with music and media since as far as she can remember slim teamed up with a local artist and promoted his music, booking him shows in local venues. Slowly becoming a local socialite as well as model for aspiring photographers, she then realized that this is what she felt most comfortable doing and this is where she belongs, in the industry.  Goody promos then arose and became slim's brand name for promotions/marketing purposes, not only did others find it catchy but it was a good fit.  Fast forward, today slim followed her passion in the industry further and is now a Certified community media producer and editor creating content for local artist and visionaries.  Don't Dozze productions, has teamed up with media producers, local artist, promoters, and idealist, in support of all her local peers who have a vision to share. It's all about team work, if you believe in me, I believe in you, remember Don't DozZe and watch what happens next.


​© 2015-present Don't DoZze Productions. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

​​Affiliates & Groups

​​​​​​don't    doZze   productions

​​Company Profile

Don't DozZe production & it's prestigious Affiliates provides videography, editing, photography, Make up artist and more...

 If you have a vision, an idea for any visual media, contact us.

 No vision is too small.  If all you need is our editing services, we can provide editing as well.  Our team are experienced in many aspects of the field or we will guide you to the proper team thru our networking services and make your vision come to life.  Dream Big!

Howard beach, NY


Founded: 2006

Owner: Wilmarie Morales

Certifications: All Rights Reserved


Subject areas: Media production, Networking ,Editing, Promotions, Managing, website creative, Media hosting, Modeling, Photography, Cosmetics & MUA



